Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cyber bullying

             Cyber Bullying is a major type of bullying around the world that is escalating dramatically. All over the world there is more and more cases of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is basically the same thing as bullying except online, it is still harmful to the person who is getting bullied even though they will probably never see the person who they are talking to unless they know them in person. Extreme cases have mad kids want to kill themselves and have made internet websites such as Facebook and twitter a bully zone for victims who are getting bullied.        

          Cyber bullying has effected a lot of people around the world. This one case there was a girl names Stina Johansson and like all other teens she had a Facebook. The bulliers had added her on facebook and starting harassing her on this website and in school. Stina tryed to make them stop but then it only got worse. The bulliers had made a community page with the title Those of us who hate Stina Johansson. This was extreme because the whole school could see it and talk about Stina on this. Stina's parents saw this and this was very hard to remove since it was a community page. It took over a month for The parents to delete it. Cyber bullying is exactly like bullying, in my opinion it gives the bulliers confidence to make it through their own day without issues.
             Children, Teens, even Adults are getting bullied online. Especially on online games where others can communicate. In my personal experiences i have witnessed people getting bullied over the talking on xbox live. It starts out where they say the other player sucks or you have a dumb name on it, then the other makes a smart comeback and then it begins from there. Usually after the comment back the person who started it goes on about the kids life who he talked too. Then it could either stop or escalate, but it all depends on the person who decided to start in for no reason. But this is what bulliers do is attack someone who is not like them and make fun of them. In one instance a man actually got arrested for talking "smack" on xbox live, The man was Anthony Hayward of New Haven. Anthony had been making death threats to people over the internet and one of the people who were local to him realized it was Anthony and called the authorities. The police had found drugs and weapons with Anthony as well and he got charged for death threats and possesion of illegal drugs and weapons.

            Cyber bullying is a huge deal around the world. Bullying has escalated not only in person but also on the internet where they can say anything they want. So that means people can bully in school and outside of school on the internet. Bulliers are able to bully the people they are bullying 24/7 if they wanted to. This is extreme and wrong for anyone to do such a harmful thing to each other.